TRAVEL DIVISIONS do NOT have automatic placement on a team simply by registering. Players are accepted onto travel teams based on the results of a tryout. While Recreational Teams only play in the Spring, Travel Teams play in three seperate seasons, Spring, Summer and Fall. - Travel Teams will play other Travel Teams from throught Westchester County (and possibly the Bronx and Connecticut). - Games are often on the weekends and consist of doubleheaders. Spring Travel Season: - Runs currently with the Spring Recreational Season. - To be eligible for the Spring Travel Team, you must also play in the Recreational League. - Tryouts for the Spring Travel Season will be held seperately from the recreational tryouts and only those interested are required to attend.  You MUST attend travel tryouts to be eligible for selection to the team. - Also taken into account for selection to the team will be coaches input from the prior recreational and/or travel seasons. - The Spring Travel Season will run from April to mid-late June. Summer Travel Season: - Begins late June and continues unitl mid-late August (depending on play-offs). - Try-outs, as well as input from the spring season coaches, will determine team selections. Fall Travel Season: - Begins early September and continues into late October. - Try-outs, as well as input from spring and summer coaches, will determine team selections. Age Divisions of Play: - Historically there have been teams entered in the U8,  U9, U10 and U12 age groups. The number of travel teams in any given season is dependent on the level of interest. TRYOUTS: Tryout Notices for travel teams will be posted on this web sites home page as well as on this tab as soon at the dates can be finalized. You must attend tryouts to be eligible for the Travel Team. If you cannot attend the scheduled tryouts you must notify the travel team coach or baseball commissioner prior to the tryout date that you cannot attend.  Contact information for tryouts will be provided in the tryout postings.