See below for cut-off dates related to different divisions. These divisions are competitive divisions where games are played.  There are tryouts held prior to the team selection process for the purpose of attempting to create balanced teams.  Players should try to attend these tryouts. All players that register on time during the registration period will be drafted on a team. Those registering past the deadline may not be drafted on a team and will only be drafted on a team if (a) there is an open spot and (b) it does not change the "competitive balance" created when teams were selected. Requests are not honored in the Competitive Divisions, except siblings playing on the same team. Games and practices are either on weekdays or Saturdays (no Sundays) with each team generally participating twice a week. Generally, all games are played against other Hillcrest teams in the same division (only in instances where there are not enough Hillcrest teams to form a division will the teams play other clubs). Cut-Off Dates: The date used to determine a players grade is their grade as of 12/31 of the CURRENT YEAR.  If your child is NOT 5 years old by 12/31 of the current year they are ineligible to play for insurance purposes.  Players that are too old for a division cannot be moved down without permission of the Basketball Committee. All competitive divisions are Grade appropriate, therefore players do not move up to the next division.  Tentative Schedule: Registration will open October 25th and remain open until late November. Teams will be selected late November. Sessions will begin in early December. Season will conclude early-mid March.